"What is JEBCommerce Reading – April 20, 2012?"





The new google glass!  See the article below!





We here at JEBCommerce  all look forward to our weekly team meetings where we share the success of our clients with each other, brainstorm fresh ideas in our field and share the interesting articles that we then share with all of you.  This week, we are pleased to have more members of our staff share their articles.  As they say “the more the merrier!”  Enjoy!

Geoff Marshall-  Social Candy Optimizes Its Facebook Marketing Tools With Fresh Templates and New Timeline For Brands

Jen Dorman –  Google augmented reality device could work with your own glasses

Jennifer Ramb – Scientist uses physics to get out of a traffic ticket

Jamie Birch –  The Next Shift at Google Could Have Big Impact on Advertisers and Pinterest Isn’t Only for Window Shopping: Nearly 1 in 3 Buy

Jamie Tapia –  7 Suggestions for Better Affiliate Newsletters

Jon Goodwin – Pilot sends plane into dive after mistaking Venus for oncoming plane

Maryellen Garasky – Housing starts slip, but permits for new building soar

Shannon Simmons – American Chicken McNuggets have 2.5 times the salt of British Ones

Thank you for stopping by!


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